Women in Internet Governance (WIG)

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Name of your School: Women in Internet Governance (WIG)
Is your School a global, regional or national initiative? global
Who is the convenor/s of your School? Raymond Mamattah
Is your School targeting one specific stakeholder group (i.e. do you focus on young people)? The Women in Internet Governance fellowship is women only fellowship. Participants will be selected across the globe.
Region or country your School is based: Ghana, Africa
Year of foundation: 2024
Frequency of your School: annually
Duration of your School: About 3 months training
Besides Internet Governance do you focus on another sub topic? Digital skills and cyber security
Is your school associated with or co-located with any other event or process? The face-to-face sessions will be held during Internet Governance related events across the globe, such as ICANN, IGF, WSIS etc meetings.
What is the funding model of your SIG? Not for profit
Please provide the link to the website of your school: womeninig.org/
Anything else you would like to tell us about your school? This Women in Internet Governance fellowship is aimed at attracting participants from across the globe to be trained on how to engage meaningfully and make impacts in the Internet Governance ecosystem.

It is an all-female-only fellowship, aimed at bridging the gender digital inclusion gap. Especially empowering women to take up more leading roles in the Internet Governance ecosystem.

Reach out to me at rmamattah@egigfa.org if this idea sounds interesting to you and you would like to collaborate with us.