Liberia School of Internet Governance

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Name of your School: Liberia School of Internet Governance
Is your School a global, regional or national initiative? national
Who is the convenor/s of your School? Internet Society Liberia Chapter
Is your School targeting one specific stakeholder group (i.e. do you focus on young people)? All Internet Stateholders
Region or country your School is based: Liberia
Year of foundation: 2020
Frequency of your School: annually
Duration of your School: one week
Besides Internet Governance do you focus on another sub topic? No.
Is your school associated with or co-located with any other event or process?
What is the funding model of your SIG? Sponsorships
Please provide the link to the website of your school:
Anything else you would like to tell us about your school? Internet Society Liberia Chapter has since worked with other Internet and ICT stakeholders in Liberia to organize the Liberia Internet Governance School and Forum (LSIG/LIGF) that brings together local actors in ICT policy discussions. In response to a need for new voices, ISOC Liberia Chapter with support from the Internet Society Foundation small Grant partnered with Liberia Telecommunication Authority (LTA), Ministry of Post and Telecommunication of Liberia, AU Policy and Regulation Initiative for Digital Africa (PRIDA), and other stakeholders to organize the First edition of Liberia School of Internet governance (LSIG) 2020.